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We volunteer at HIHS Kona. One of the dogs that came in was a real mess. He had major skin problems, no fur, and feet so swollen and bloody he couldn't stand. The shelter worked on his medical problems for months and spent money from their second chance fund on his treatment, but were unable to resolve his health problems.

We worked with a local rescue to find a foster for him, since the concrete floors at the shelter could have been contributing to his ongoing issues. We then covered the costs of testing his feet to determine the exact infection he had, allergy tests for his ongoing skin problems, and medications.

The result - a very healthy Teddy! Huge thanks to his foster mom and dad who took such good care of him and carefully tracked his health and medications. His foster fell in love and ended up adopting him.

Teddy at the shelter

Teddy just before fostering.

Teddy recently enjoying the beach
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